For over a decade, the San Diego chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace has been powered by hundreds of volunteers and friends. Please use this form to receive local virtual and in-person events, announcements, and action opportunities. If you would like to become a member or take a deeper part in our chapter’s work, please indicate a committee or project area you would like to join in, and we will follow up with you.
Become a Member of our Local Chapter
The San Diego Chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace welcomes everyone who shares our Core Values, such as a commitment to anti-Zionism and collective liberation, whether they are a Jew or an ally. Aspiring new members must complete three steps to join the chapter:
- Fill out the form above to request more information about how to get involved, or complete the form on Action Network by pressing the “Get Involved” button below.
2. Attend a chapter meeting where you can receive an orientation and introduction to our membership. This requirement can be fulfilled with a one-on-one meeting, a general member meeting, or a committee meeting.
3. Once you are sure you want to join, you can make your membership official by paying dues. Dues can be paid through a donation of eighteen dollars ($18.00) or more through the button below.